Resources for Ministry: India

This page is dedicated to our students from the School of Urban Mission in Trichy, India. We're honored that you're interested in using our materials in your ministries.

Lord's Prayer – Some of the Many Languages of India

Below are Lord's Prayer offerings in some of the many languages spoken in India. There are many other languages available here on this site, and we hope to add more Indian languages over time.

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Visit our Lord's Prayer Project Page for more languages, as well as a detailed analysis of The Lord's Prayer useful in teaching, as well as a handy how-to for using The Lord's Prayer as the basis of a multi-cultural peace-raising event.

Effectiveness in Making Change

All of us want to be effective, when working on important projects we care about. After all, real change can be hard. We want to help you be effective. That's why we're going to great lengths to share what we know. Our Director received some great advice from former United States President – and master social entrepreneur – James Earl "Jimmy" Carter. In a nutshell, the advice is simple: follow your vision, use your special skills, address a chasm, work in partnership, share the credit, measure for feedback, and stay the course. Below, we have excerpted important highlights of the Seven Pillars Methodology, and supplemented with biblical references. Download the compressed (zipped) file and unzip it, and you will find the document.

For those of you who wish to go deeper, see the eBook, Intelligence & Compassion in Action; The Seven Pillars for Social Entrepreneurs.

Spiritual Assessment

Accurate assessment (or evaluation) is an essential first step in providing care. It's useful whether you're a minister, a healing professional, or just a caring friend, in your daily life. It helps you know where to help, by figuring out what area is really troubling someone. The training video below, introducing the Spiritual-Holistic Inquiry Process, or S.H.I.P., was filmed in Tamil Nadu, India. The framework can help you, as a minister, to consider the whole person and life setting, and to capture important clues to wellness and wholeness. You may also find it to be useful in other ways, such as analyzing your own city, when working to bring about lasting, measurable, transformative and positive change. [PDF Worksheet] [S.H.I.P. Detail Page]

Using the S.H.I.P. is simple. First, familiarize yourself with the framework, so it can inform your encounters. Next, try it out for yourself. It is meant to be intuitive. Here are more ways to help you remember the SHIP, including a poem and three songs recorded in India:

Breathing Butterfly – Indian Language Offerings

Below, stress-reducing meditations for children in Hindi and Urdu, brought to you by The Elfenworks Foundation. Visit the Breathing Butterfly Project Website for songs and activities, parent instructions, project background and more. Posted with permission:

Breathing Butterfly in Hindi

Breathing Butterfly in Urdu

Pastor Fish Children's Ministry – India Extras

We enjoyed ourselves, trying to spice up the songs from The Pastor Fish Radio Hour children's ministry toolkit with a slightly Indian flavor. If you perform and record your own versions, we'd love to hear them. The sheet music is online and available for free download at Score Exchange, and the entire album is available here.

It's OK TO Feel Sad

The Number Three

When The Lord Says Go

Check Back Again!

From time to time, we'll add to this page, so do check back again. And please consider making use of all the materials on our site, rather than limiting yourselves to what you find on this page alone.

May God bless and keep you, and God's face shine upon you, lifting God's countenance and giving you peace.

–Your friends at NHM Ministrants

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