Interested to Follow Jesus?

You may have heard, "I stand at the door and knock." Maybe you're experiencing that knocking, and want a closer relationship. Or maybe you consider yourself a follower but want to follow Jesus more closely. The Good News is that God loves you and wants this close relationship with you… and that Jesus' love and grace is available always, including at this very moment.

There are many ways to begin your walk with Jesus and sometimes it can help to state your intention, out loud. If you feel like that's the case with you, here's an audio you can play, and follow along.

Jesus offers you life, and life abundantly (John 10:10), filled with peace, power and purpose. We encourage you to learn more – exploring the offerings on this site – and we pray you will experience God's incredible love for you. You might want to call the pastor of your local Christian church and tell them of your interest and questions. If you want to explore the Gospels, a few of the sermons we offer as WebGems will help you start.

We believe that Jesus offers the Way, Truth and Life. He was willing to live and die with us because of His great love, so that every barrier between us and God might be removed, and that we might live in the power of God's Spirit with love, joy, peace and hope. God is with you and God loves you. It's no coincidence that you landed on this page at this moment. That's why the Christian Brothers always start every meeting out with, "let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God."

Best wishes for this new step in your journey of faith.
Congratulations! Let God be the guiding light for you. God Bless You.

Rev. Dr. Lauren Speeth, Director
NHM Ministrants

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